wheelhouse learning

We offer personalized, one-on-one tutoring in preparation for the SAT, ACT, and a variety of SAT II subject tests. Sessions take place virtually, and all materials are provided.
Our qualified and engaging tutors work to meet students where they are. Our company’s boutique size allows our tutors to provide individualized attention to all of our clients. We work to build a relationship with each student, a process that starts before the first session. During the initial consultation, we aim to piece together a holistic student profile, including strengths, weaknesses, and learning differences. Next, we administer a diagnostic test and, based on the student’s natural abilities and preferences, customize a tutoring plan to suit his or her individual needs and learning style. Throughout the tutoring process, we work to help students master the content and strategies specific to each test. Equally important, we aim to build student confidence and confront test anxiety and mental fatigue head-on.